All posts tagged budgeting

Budgeting Made Easy in Five Steps


Creating a household budget can be a daunting task. You’re setting up to record where your money is coming from, where it’s going and what you want to do with it. Making a budget from scratch is complicated, but if you follow these five simple steps, you’ll be able to keep your budget on track. Read more…

Are You Budgeting By the 5-Percent Rule?

Payday loans

Coupons, sales, bulk purchasing, turning out lights, carpooling – all are excellent ways to reduce your spending. From insurance to fuel to food, you have scoured your budget to pinch every penny possible. Maybe. Budgets intend to prevent overspending, but have you actually succeeded in cutting your expenses? Once you have solidified and confirmed your budget, ease into the 5-Percent Rule to really kick-start your savings plan. Read more…