All posts tagged featured

Pound to Euro exchange rate – Good news for UK holiday makers

Currency Exchange

The New Year has brought good news to those British holiday makers who have been avoiding Europe due to the poor Sterling – Euro rate. Previous exchange rates have made holidaying in our European countries an expensive option.  The good news is that the pound has now hit a fifteen month high with one pound now being worth one Euro twenty one.  Read more…

How does a Debt Relief Order (DRO) work?

Debt Relief, Just Ahead Green Road Sign Over Dramatic Sky, Clouds and Sunburst.

When you seriously can’t afford to repay your debts then one option is to apply for a debt relief order, or DRO. This is a cheaper alternative to going through bankruptcy procedures if you have debts of less than £15,000, have a low income, little equity and there is no prospect of things improving. It is effectively a way of clearing debt within a year without having to attend court, pay your creditors or declare yourself bankrupt. This type of order is approved by the Insolvency Service and is part of a debt management plan. Read more…

What are peer to peer loans and how do they work?

Comic figure pushing another

There is a way of receiving loans called peer-to-peer lending or peer loans. The top peer-to-peer lender in the UK is ZOPA which first launched in 2005, introducing an accepted alternative to more traditional loans and investment options. Read more…

Buying advice: Understanding car loans and finance

Financial advice

When buying a car there are a number of options available, personal loans, car loans, secured loans, cash or peer loans. The options available to you will depend on a number of factors. Your credit history, savings, loan amount and loan term are just some of them. Read more…